Steps to reset Microsoft Notepad to default settings on Windows 10

Steps to reset Microsoft Notepad to default settings on Windows 10

Notepad is a very useful on Microsoft Windows desktop operating systems and it allows add the simple text and will use less resources of CPU and RAM to open up this text editor. Notepad allows to save the text in different file formats like batch files, script files, registry files, NFO and DIZ. If any … Read more

Windows 10 CMD Prompt Keyboard Shortcuts List

Windows 10 CMD Prompt Keyboard Shortcuts List

Microsoft Windows 10 Desktop Operating System is most popular OS currently using by millions of computer users all over the World. Most of the users use the GUI platform and those who want to know the Windows 10 CMD Prompt Keyboard Shortcuts list, here you go. Windows 10 CMD Prompt Keyboard Shortcuts List Keyboard Shortcut … Read more

Is your Windows 10 taking more CPU and getting hanged?

Is your Windows 10 taking more CPU and getting hanged?

There are chances based on the programs that you have installed on your Laptop / desktop which is running with Windows 10 operating system will take high CPU. Windows 10 taking more CPU and getting hanged? how to resolve this and come out of this situation. There are few tips and solutions provided below how … Read more

Windows Update error 0x80240017 on Windows 10

Windows Update error 0x80240017 error will see if you are trying to update the Microsoft Office on Microsoft Windows 10 operating system. Thought laptop reboot might to fix the issue, however even after reboot, the issue still persists. Later some time find a solution for the above said Windows Update error. How to fix or … Read more

Steps to remove BING default Search Engine in MS Edge browser, add Google

Microsoft’s new browser Edge is replaced with Internet Explorer and here will explain how to make Google default search engine in Microsoft Edge Browser version. In Windows 10, the new Edge browser is preloaded and it uses Bing as the default search engine. Now lets discuss on steps to remove BING default Search Engine in … Read more