Some times Microsoft MSI Installer will create lot of issues and it won’t allow you to install any new software on the Windows operating system.
Either it will hanged in the middle of installation or just throw an error message. This is depends on the new software how the error handling code written.

How to troubleshoot or solve the MSI Installer issue?
Step 1:
Unregsiter and Reregister the MSIEXEC file – follow the below steps
Go Start –> Run or go to command prompt and run the below –
msiexec /unregister (unregister)
msiexec /regserver (register)
If the above step doesn’t help follow Step 2:
Step 2:
Go to Command Prompt and change directory to %windir%\system32 (c:\windows\system32)
Run this at C: prompt
attrib -r -s -h dllcache
And Rename the following files to .old
msi.dll –> msi_old.dll
msiexec.exe –> msiexec_old.exe
msihnd.dll –> msihnd_dll.dll
Download Windows Installer (latest version 4.5) and install
If Step 2 doesn’t work for you, try Step 3:
Step 3:
Please check whether your Server / Laptop / Desktop has how many different versions of .Net Framework installed. Please un-install one by one. Download the latest Windows Installer 4.5 Redistributable and install, this should resolve your issue. Giloy is very effective in diabetes my review here cialis tablets online and reduces frequency of urination. 6. Aside from the usual pain reliever and anti-inflammatory medications that the doctor may prescribe, he or sildenafil 100mg tab she may be advised with the moderate dosage or an adjusted drug dosage are the recent attack condition or the presence of bleeding disorder. So, all the activity power and dose of this levitra prescription levitra will be different. DT’s can be prevented generic uk viagra by the right treatment, but once the DT’s start, the analysis becomes harder.