New 12 Digit VMware SR Number not allowing to create new folder to upload logs by using sftp site. VMware recommends to upload the log files to its ftp or sftp site with maximum size of 2GB size.
New 12 Digit VMware SR Number not allowing to create new folder to upload logs
However, VMware Service Request Number is having 12 digits now and after you connect to the sftp, it is not allowing to create 12 digit folder name as it says ‘Invalid Directory Name, Directory Must be 11 Digit SR Number’.
Invalid Directory Name, Directory Must be 11 Digit SR Number
This is a new error now throwing while trying to create a folder with VMware SR number. Previously it is allowed with only 11 digit and now looks like the SR number digit increased hence it is not allowing.
Yet to hear from VMware support how to load logs with new SR 12 digit number on sftp vmware. Here is the KB article usually VMware support provides to follow how to upload the logs.
Uploading files to the Secure FTP portal using third-party clients
You can use third-party clients, such as FileZila, to upload files to the SFTP clients.
To upload files to the portal using FileZilla
- Open the FileZilla client
- Click Transfer > Transfer type > Binary to set the transfer mode to binary
- Click File > Site Manager
- Add the VMware FTP site to My Sites using the Site Manager. The credentials are
Address –
Port – 22
Protocol – SFTP – SSH File Transfer Protocol
Logon Type – normal
User – inbound
Password – inbound
- Click Connect
- Skip this step if the SR directory already exists. Right-click the Remote Site pane and click Create Directory. Enter your SR number as the directory name
- Change directory to newly created SR directory
- After connecting to the correct destination directory, browse to the location of the log files on your local system using the file browser in the left pane or enter the full path in the Local site field
- Right-click the file and click Upload
- Monitor the transfer progress in the Queued files pane
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