[SOLVED] Cluster or private disk group has lost access to a majority of its disks, its reservation thread has been stopped

By | July 31, 2014

The subject error message caused the Cluster groups automatically failover to the second node in the cluster due to the error occurred with regards to the Microsoft Cluster quorum disk. Hence some what the applications and databases are interrupted few seconds until it fail over completely to the another node. If the alert monitoring set for the failover task, definitely would receive an alert. We faced this issue on Windows 2003 Server R2 x64 bit (2 node cluster) which has Veritas Storage Foundation 5.1 SP2 with CP14 installed on it.

  • Logged on to the server and did check the event logs, found the error “Cluster or private disk group has lost access to a majority of its disks. Its reservation thread has been stopped” as mentioned in the post title.


  • Open Veritas Storage Fondation (VSF) on Node 1, found that the one of disk group has exclamatory mark which tells that there is some issue with one or couple of disks are failed or issue.
  • Since all the resources are failed over to Node 2, logged on to Node 2 Cluster, open Veritas Volume Manager (here Veritas Storage Foundation and Volume Manager both are same). Found that Quorum disk has some issue. Tired re-activating or take to online the disk from VSF console, however didn’t worked out.
  • Now tried to open the Disk Management from Run (If you try to open from Windows Management Console, may not be able to open the disk management as the server already has Volume Manager software installed, the disk management option will be not be seen, can see only Veritas name there). Hence go to Start and Run, there type ‘diskmgmt.msc’
  • Once the Disk Management console open, check for which disk is assigned to Q drive (Quorum). Select that drive, right clck and activate. This troubleshooting should resolve the issue.

And thats it, now you can see the Majority disk should show online in the Storage Foundation software. Now can try to do a test of fail over and fail back from Node 1 to 2 and vice versa. If you tadalafil soft are having difficulty making it in bed, women don’t need gentleman. I had a couple of fifty year old women friends who I used to take out but I certainly wasn’t getting excited about them. get viagra cheap The study also found that the advantages achieved from flavonoids were equal to benefits gained from exercise, and a combination of Pycnogenol and L-arginine. buy cialis generic It has come generic cialis in usa of age like nothing on this planet.

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