Building a High-Performance SQL Cluster on vSphere: Best Practices and Recommendations

Building a new SQL cluster in vCenter requires careful planning and consideration of several factors. Here’s a comprehensive guide covering prerequisites, questions to ask the customer, and recommendations for a highly utilized SQL cluster. Pre-Requisites: Hardware Resources: Ensure that the host servers have adequate CPU, memory, and storage resources to handle the expected workload. Consider … Read more

VM lost its ping response and went into inaccessible state ESXi 7.0.3

I’ve noticed this issue on one of the ESXi host “VM lost its ping response and went into inaccessible state ESXi 7.0.3“. On the VM side, under “Power” options, only “Hard stop” is enabled and the rest of the options are greyed out. Virtual server lost its ping response. However, ESXi host has ping response. … Read more