Pro-Liant Service Pack (PSP) is renamed as Service Pack for Pro-Liant (SPP) now by the HP Company. PSP or SPP pack contains system software and firmware upgrade files which helps the HP server hardware up to date. This package comes as ISO image and just need to map the ISO image from iLO, reboot the server. The server will boots up with the ISO image and start updating the server software, hardware related versions. Definitely you will see a server performance improvement after you upgrade PSP or SPP versions. There are different ways to check PSP or SPP installed version on HP Servers.
And please remember this is only for the HP servers installed with Windows Server Operating systems.
Here is the steps how to determine Pro-Liant Service Pack (PSP) or Service Pack for Pro-Liant installed version on HP Server Hardware
- Login to the server with credentials
- go to the below given path
for Windows 2000 Server
for Windows 2003 / 2008 / 2012 Server
open the readme.txt file to find the information
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