How to determine Veritas Cumulative Patch installed – CP on Windows VSF

This post will give you the information about Veritas Storage Foundation Cumulative Patch whether installed or not, if installed which version is installed. This is specific to the Microsoft Windows operating system environment.

Veritas Storage Foundation in short name called VSF or VEA (VEA – Veritas Enterprise Administrator) is used to manage the storage volumes. I can say this is a best volume management software which can help to do the disk migrations, disk mirrors, volume replications etc.

Veritas DMP (Dynamic Multipathing)

This has an option to install DMP (Dynamic Multipathing) which helps to have redundancy of storage paths. However, license is reuqired to install the DMP along with Storage foundation software.

Here is the step how to check or identify whether VSF cumulative patch is installed or not –

for x64 bit operating system

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Veritas Shared\WxRTPrivates

for x86 operating system

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Veritas Shared\WxRTPrivates


In the above figure it is showing CP14_SFW_51SP2 means Storage Foundation for windows 5.1 SP2 version which has CP14 already installed. This can’t be checked from Add/Remove programs.

How to find out VSF version from command line:

One more tip to check the Veritas Storage foundation verson check from command line using vxassist –

go to command prompt type there C drive : vxassist version Therefore the most important canada viagra no prescription thing that you have to think about online physician recommended drugs.There are for sure a few Online Pharmacy Stores In India, yet discovering the particular case that can give the direly obliged drugs, anytime of time and that too at less cost is not a simple errand. This is borne out by the mini-boom in retro gaming with at least one company providing browser game versions of “classics” which first saw the light of day thirty-five years ago. generic cialis There are a lot of people who refrain viagra cheap usa from using herbs like Neem and Tulsi for the reason it doesn’t suit them. The good thing about most pop-up blockers is cipla cialis india that you can usually set the program on “auto enable”, which means that the pop-up blocker will start whenever the computer is started.

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